Digital Investment

GKOF is a leading PPC management company that uses paid search to drive leads/sales for your business. Whether you want to increase leads, website traffic, or both, GKOF tech-enabled PPC services will help you achieve your goals, plus measure and maximize your ROI from paid per click campaigns.

Why your PPC campaigns under perform?

The four most common reasons for underperforming PPC campaigns are high CPMs and low conversion rate:

1. Poorly structured campaign

Low-intent or unqualified keywords, ineffective ad groups, and ineffective ad copy. To address these issues, we utilize proven campaign organization techniques to ensure that bids and copy are optimized for maximum results.

2. Ineffective landing pages

Landing pages play a crucial role in driving conversions, so we make sure that they match search intent and are easy to navigate.

3. Not research competitors and industries

Many companies don’t research and study their competitors when giving PPC ad strategy or understand the industries to plan an appropriate approach.

4. Lazy ongoing optimizations

PPC experts must actively optimize ad copy, headlines, keywords, and ad groups by proactively cutting and replacing underperforming ones, and use advanced data points such as impression share, device, and geo to further enhance campaign performance.

How our Performance Marketing services’ process works

Preparation. Monitoring. Analysis. Improvement.

GKOF follows a data-driven approach towards performance marketing and campaign optimization with the ultimate goal of achieving the best possible ROAS for its clients. To achieve this, GKOF relies on its custom in-house tools and a rigorous scientific testing methodology. 

Our primary focus is on maximizing performance over the long-term, which is accomplished by following a process of hypothesizing, testing, analyzing, and applying insights gained from the analysis to drive continued growth. By following this process, GKOF is able to continuously improve campaign performance, identify new opportunities, and deliver exceptional results to its clients.

performance marketing process

Holistic brand & Lead generation

At GKOF, we specialize in creating comprehensive brand and lead generation strategies for our clients that cover all channels (omnichannel experience), including online and offline platforms, for both B2B and B2C companies. 

We strongly believe that effective advertising should not feel like advertising, but instead should be a seamless series of timely and relevant recommendations that align with the customer’s online shopping journey. Our goal is to guide customers from awareness and consideration to loyalty and advocacy through well-timed and well-executed recommendations.

Performance plan

The 4 pillars of great Google Ads strategy

We are constantly adapting our strategies to stay ahead of Google’s algorithm and your competition. We use proven principles to save you from wasting spend, while also applying new tactics to optimize your campaigns. Here are some of the ways we do this:

Search terms and ad copy

We begin by conducting extensive keyword research to identify the most relevant, cost-efficient bottom-of-funnel terms. We then write ad headlines and descriptions that are compelling and drive high click-through-rates.

Advanced campaign structure

Our approach involves organizing campaigns, ad groups, and keywords using a proven structure. We also optimize bidding strategy, impression share, SKAGs, negatives, geo, device, and other advanced tactics to get the most out of your campaigns.

High-converting landing pages

We believe that landing pages should match what people expect after clicking on your ad, and shouldn’t include much else. To achieve this, we hide your menu on landing pages and make your hero text extremely clear.

Results tracking

You’ll have access to a transparent dashboard that shows the most important metrics, such as total spend, cost per click, number of conversions, cost per conversion, and more. This way, you can easily track your campaign’s performance and see the results of our efforts.

We specialize in B2B, technology & services
& trading businesses











Real Estate





Affordable packages for PPC services

You’ll pay Google directly for ad spend (per click) and then pay GKOF’s monthly management fee.

Ad spend limit$500 - $2000/month
ad spend
$2000 - $4000/month
ad spend
$4000 - $25000/month
ad spend
> $25000/month
ad spend
Google PPC Network
Google Local Services Ads
Social Media PPC Networks (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn Ads)
Remarketing through Google Text Ads and Banner Remarketing
(including banner ads provided by the client or with paid creative
banner design)
Google Shopping Management
Performance Marketing Consulting (Meeting) Advertising strategy consulting
Keyword consulting (Hot, Action,
Advertising content consulting
Landing page consulting
Display network consulting
Google Singapore consultant
Remarketing strategy consulting
Online marketing consulting
Plan & Proposal
Market research
Competitor research
Keyword researchMaximum 500 words Maximum 800 wordsMaximum 1200 wordsNo limits
Keyword selection
Set up KPIs (detailed targets)
Number of ads/ad groups2233
Target the display network
SetupAdvanced research and selection for keywords or Ongoing keyword development and adjustment2,000 keywords5,000 keywords10,000 keywords10,000 keywords
Initial campaign strategy & development
Optimal account structure
Negative keyword
Setup ads2233
Monitor ad performance
Keyword insertion for ad text
Create tracking UTM
Language targeting
Schedule advertising
Sitelink of campaign assets
Callout of campaign assets
Structure snippet of campaign assets
Location of campaign assets
Connect Analytics/GTM/Search Console/Youtube Video
Conversion tracking
Dynamic ads
Remarketing ads
Display & video ad network
Create template reports
Campaigns will be managed through the client's SEM account
(client will retain Admin/owner
access to all created campaigns)
Up to two personal consultations per month
Monitor clicks, conversions, and
click fraud activity
Set up and manage rules-based
Optimize and Analysis
CTR optimization3 times/month 1 time/week 2 times/week 4 times/week
Budget optimization3 times/month 1 time/week 2 times/week 4 times/week
Change the ad texts3 times/month1 time/week 2 times/week 4 times/week
Negative keyword lists3 times/month 1 time/week 2 times/week 4 times/week
Add keywords, ad groupsNo limitsNo limitsNo limitsNo limits
Change campaign assets3 times/month 1 time/week 2 times/week 4 times/week
Quality score optimization3 times/month 1 time/week 2 times/week 4 times/week
Keyword optimization3 times/month 1 time/week 2 times/week 4 times/week
Analyze display network
3 times/month 1 time/week 2 times/week 4 times/week
In-depth report 1 time/month 2 times/month 4 times/month
Competitor analysis3 times/month 1 time/week 2 times/week 4 times/week
ReportMonthly performance & analysis
Website conversion analysis
Track and report on
omni-channel customer journeys

Looking for lead generation with the Performance Marketing services

What do GKOF Performance Marketing services include?

By selecting our PPC management services, you will obtain a comprehensive solution for creating, handling, and enhancing your PPC strategy. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to collaborate with a digital marketing firm that has more than 7 years of expertise in managing pay-per-click campaigns.

Get a preview of what our PPC advertising management services include:

  • A dedicated account representative will be assigned to you for personalized support.
  • We create a tailored PPC strategy that suits your business, industry, and objectives.
  • We conduct keyword research ranging from 400 to 10,000 terms to use in your campaigns.
  • We advertise on Google (including search and display), Bing, and Gmail, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  • We leverage advanced AI techniques to analyze your competitors’ ad tactics.
  • We produce custom ad content and perform tests to maximize their effectiveness.
  • We manage your ad bids with a strategic approach to boost your ad spend return.
  • We refine your current ad content, design, and targeting for better performance.
  • We monitor and maintain your account settings to optimize your PPC performance.
  • We track up to 100 web lead phone calls to provide you with comprehensive insights.
  • We deliver regular reports to keep you informed about your campaign progress.
  • And more!

It’s important to note that the specific services included in our PPC plans may vary depending on the plan you select. For instance, the Lite plan does not offer social media ads, a service that can retarget your customer to improve your conversion rate. However, this service is available from our Professional plan. If you have any inquiries about our online ad management plans and the services they offer, please reach out to us online.

Why is GKOF one of the best PPC management service providers?

1. Obtain clear pricing for managing pay-per-click campaigns when contact us.

Our belief is that transparency is crucial to building strong client relationships, which is why we are upfront about our pay-per-click management pricing. Our goal is to provide you with an accurate understanding of the cost of our PPC services and what you can expect to receive with each plan. This open approach encourages an open dialogue about budget and the specifics of each plan.

2. Collaborate with a PPC management service that prioritizes your objectives as GKOF owns.

We treat our clients like family because we understand that the services we offer can have a significant impact on their business. We take this responsibility seriously and strive to achieve the best results by aligning our goals with yours. Our team works hard to exceed your expectations and ensure the success of your campaign. 

Simply put, your satisfaction is our ultimate goal.

3. Save yourself valuable time

If you’re searching for a top-notch PPC company that can handle all aspects of your campaign, GKOF can help you save valuable time. We’re not just here to assist you with ad copywriting and disappear; we’ll be with you throughout the entire PPC process. Your dedicated campaign manager will listen to your requirements, develop a plan, and keep you informed about your campaign’s progress.

We’ll create your strategy and campaign, conduct thorough keyword research and selection, and even analyze your industry to ensure we’re targeting the right audience. We’ll take care of all the copywriting for your ad campaign, continuously test and refine the performance of the copy, and regularly adjust the keywords used in your campaign. Rest assured, your PPC campaign is in our capable hands.

4. Get transparent and accurate ROI report.

As we’ve mentioned before, analyzing your ad results is crucial to maximizing conversions and traffic. But rest assured, we’ll handle that for you as well. Our services include providing campaign analytics, conducting A/B tests on landing pages, and ensuring that your keywords are effective in generating results. Throughout the process, we’ll keep you informed of your campaign’s performance and provide informed recommendations on how to proceed.

5. Get PPC campaigns tailored to business, industry, and goals

We understand that each business has unique requirements, and therefore, each campaign needs to be tailored accordingly. Our approach is personalized to include the aspects that matter to you the most. We provide four different packages, namely Lite, Professional, Platinum and Enterprise, that offer various strategies and pricing options, enabling you to choose the one that suits your business requirements the best.

PPC can prove to be extremely advantageous for your business for six reasons

There are multiple reasons why implementing a PPC campaign for your business is worth considering. It is not only an efficient tactic for boosting your website’s traffic, but it is also budget-friendly, highly specific, and provides quick outcomes. If you remain unconvinced, let’s delve deeper into each benefit.

1. It’s a cost-effective way to advertise

PPC advertising is a cost-effective way to promote your business online. Unlike traditional advertising methods such as newspapers, television, or billboards, where you pay for the space your ad occupies, PPC advertising only charges you when someone clicks on your ad.

While some may believe that PPC advertising costs money to appear in search engine results, the reality is that you only pay for the clicks your ad receives. This makes PPC advertising a financially feasible option because you are only paying when there is a potential for making a sale.

PPC advertising targets customers who are actively searching for a product or service, making them more likely to convert into a sale. In fact, PPC visitors are 50% more likely to purchase something than organic visitors.

This is just one of the many advantages of implementing a PPC campaign for your business.

2. PPC ad campaigns Provides Quick Results

If you’re searching for a reason to choose a PPC campaign, its ability to deliver fast results is a great one. Once you bid on a keyword and have a high quality score, your ads will start showing up for those targeted keywords, and it’s possible to see increased website traffic within a week of starting your PPC campaign. Other strategies like SEO or email marketing can take several months to produce significant results. However, it’s important to regularly audit your PPC campaign to ensure its effectiveness. For more guidance on PPC auditing, you can refer to our reliable guide.

3. You Can Monitor Results with Ease

Being able to track and analyze the results of a campaign is crucial, and PPC offers an easy way to do so. Without proper analysis, it’s difficult to know which elements of your campaign are working and which ones aren’t. By tracking the results of your campaign, you can quickly identify which areas need improvement for better results. A/B testing is a useful tool for analyzing user interaction with your ads. You can create two identical ads with only one variable, such as using a photo of a person wearing the product versus a photo of the product on a hanger, and track which ad performs better. Additionally, Google Ads provides data on ad performance in terms of clicks, conversions, and more, which can help you improve your ad’s targeting and wording. The ability to track results easily is a significant advantage of PPC campaigns.

4. It’s hyper-targeted

The fourth advantage of PPC ads is their highly targeted nature. Several marketing techniques enable you to use targeting to reach your most qualified customers, and PPC is one of the most precise strategies available. The ads allow you to aim a specific audience with precise content that provides them with the most value.

Below are some paraphrased points about how Google Ads provides various ways to target audiences:

  • Demographics: With this targeting option, you can serve ads to people based on their location, gender, device type, and other demographic factors.
  • In-market: This type of targeting is highly effective because it allows you to reach customers who have shown interest in products or services similar to what your business offers. Your ads can be displayed to users who have previously purchased from your website or those who are interested in what you sell.
  • Custom intent: By setting up a custom intent audience, you can choose specific keywords, phrases, and URLs related to your business to target users who are most likely to make a purchase. This feature enables you to fine-tune your targeting efforts and ensure that your ads are reaching the right people.
  • Retargeting: Retargeting is one of the most advantageous strategies in PPC advertising as it enables you to display your ads again to users who previously clicked on your ads. Retargeting ads are highly effective in keeping your business and products in the forefront of customers’ minds, especially those who were close to making a purchase before.
  • Lookalike audiences: To elevate your PPC campaign, you can also target lookalike audiences similar to those in your retargeting campaign. For instance, if your retargeting list primarily comprises of 30-year-old women who intend to buy skin-softening lotion, you can serve your ads to other 30-something women with similar interests and demographics, irrespective of whether they have searched for your product.
  • Content-based keywords: By targeting specific keywords within the content of your ad, you can display your ad to users who search for that particular keyword. The flexibility of targeting with keywords allows you to change them according to the season, holiday, or target a specific demographic or search intent.
5. Easy way to convert

PPC ads provide a convenient way for customers to purchase your products, as if you were hand-feeding them the opportunity to do so. When a user clicks on one of your ads, they are directed to a landing page, where they are prompted to take the next step in the buying process. This could be as simple as providing their email address or making a purchase. Landing pages can take different forms, such as a contact form, a quote form, or a “buy now” button. Regardless of the specific design, the landing page is the first point of contact for the user after clicking on your ad, providing a great opportunity to make the buying process easy and accessible to your audience.

6. Boosting revenue

PPC advertising can drive more qualified traffic to your website, which can lead to a significant increase in revenue for your business. Once your ad wins a bid in your industry, it becomes live and can be displayed to users who search for the targeted keyword. By occupying valuable real estate at the top of search results pages, PPC ads can attract more traffic to your website. In fact, the top three paid ads on a results page receive an average of 41% of clicks, accounting for almost half of the clicks on the first page.

Why choose a PPC management company?

Running a successful PPC campaign requires ongoing effort and fine-tuning, not a “set it and forget it” approach. As a business owner, you may not have the time to manage a PPC campaign on your own, as it involves many tasks such as writing ads, tracking performance, and optimizing for conversions. This is where PPC management companies come in. Hiring such an agency can be a wise decision since they can handle all aspects of your PPC campaign and deliver better results, leaving you more time to focus on other business operations.

Instead of trying to become a PPC expert yourself or training someone on your team

it’s best to hire a PPC management agency to handle your campaigns. Trying to become an expert in PPC takes a lot of time and effort, especially if you’re also running a business. Training someone on your team can also leave you down an employee. By hiring an agency, you can leave it to the professionals and focus on running your business.

Hiring a PPC management company saves you a significant amount of time.

Becoming an expert in PPC takes time, and monitoring campaigns requires consistent attention. This can be difficult to manage if you’re running a business, so hiring an agency to take care of it for you can free up your time.

A PPC services agency understands what you're looking for

In terms of a campaign, including creating ads, targeting specific keywords and demographics, and remarketing. They can provide you with exactly what you need to ensure your campaign is successful. However, it’s important to research and choose an agency that offers the specific strategies you’re looking for.

The professionals who work at PPC management agencies are experts in their field.

They have extensive training and knowledge in PPC campaigns and can provide effective strategies to improve your business’s success. It’s best to leave this work to the experts rather than trying to do it yourself.


  • This service is suitable for established businesses that already have a strong offer and are consistently making sales, with a monthly sales revenue of over $10K. If your business is not making this amount, it is recommended to focus on free marketing efforts to achieve product-market fit before considering scaling with PPC.
  • It is recommended that businesses that are considering using this service should be able to spend at least $1,000 per month on advertising. Any advertising budget less than this may not generate enough data or conversions to be meaningful.
  • To see the best results, businesses should be committed to using this service for at least 3 months.

The initial stage of a campaign is crucial as it enables us to identify the high-converting keywords and optimize the campaigns accordingly. 

To grant us access to your Google Ad Account, all we need is your 10 Google account ID. If you don’t have an existing account, we can guide you in setting one up. It’s worth noting that you’ll retain full ownership of your Google Ads Account and can access it at any time. As part of our service, we’ll also provide you with guidance on how to navigate your Google Ads account.

Our services are fully done-for-you, so we don’t need much from you besides our onboarding form and initial feedback on keywords and ad copy. However, businesses that actively communicate with us tend to perform better. Your feedback on conversions, lead quality, and overall expectations are valuable. The better your offer and marketing assets, the better your campaigns will perform.

Our in-house PPC team manages all the strategy and campaign iterations. Meanwhile, our production team, consisting of highly vetted, trained, and reliable members, is responsible for campaign setup. This setup process is fast and cost-effective due to our distributed production team. We handle everything from conducting research on keywords, competitors, and offers to creating retargeting campaigns. During the onboarding process, we gather information about your business through a series of questions to ensure we have a solid understanding of your needs.

Yes, you will receive reports for 100% transparency. You will have access to a custom dashboard to check your campaign’s performance 24/7, and you will receive weekly updates from your campaign manager.

Landing pages are essential for targeted traffic, as they are custom-tailored for that traffic, resulting in higher conversions compared to your website’s homepage. There are two primary use cases for landing pages:

1. For special giveaways, lead magnets and offers.

2. For specific ad campaigns, audiences, or product/service lines. Our custom landing pages allow us to make quick changes to content, split test headlines, and build out custom tracking more easily. Our landing pages typically convert anywhere from 3%-20%, compared to most websites that convert at 0%-3%.

Here’s why our landing pages improve conversions:

A) Experience: Our executives have built many combined landing pages and websites that outperform industry standards on converting cold traffic. They have studied most of the great copywriters, designers, marketers, and sales leaders and methodologies.

B) Process: We follow a thorough research process, structured implementation of CRO principles, design standards with high attention to detail, clear and concise copywriting, and ongoing iteration protocols based on results to build landing pages.