Unlock Your Brand's
Full Potential

Discover the untapped potential of your brand with our cutting-edge Brand Assessment service. Harness the power of data-driven insights and strategic analysis to unlock new opportunities, optimize your brand’s positioning, and maximize its impact. Elevate your brand with confidence through our comprehensive assessment solutions today

Brand assessment

GKOF performs an effective Brand Assessment


What is Brand Assessment?

Brand assessment is a holistic brand elements review which helps business recognize the strengths and weaknesses of your brand, realize whether brand strategy align with business strategy, if its meeting  and customer expectations, how its play compare to competitors. From then, give you insights of stakeholders, customers, employees and competitor for further business and marketing development.

Conducting a brand assessment is typically the first step if your company is considering re-branding, or aims to revamp their marketing strategy. It gives the clarity needed to understand where your brand needs to go for better business performance, and how to accomplish business objectives.

Brand assessment & criteria for your brand:

Brand identity
Brand identity

Visual look
Verbal messaging
Multimedia feel
Social character

Brand strategy
Brand strategy

Corporate strategy
Vision, mission & values
Goals & objectives
Performance measures

Brand positioning
Brand positioning

Market category
Target markets
Competitive advantages

Customer & employee experiences

Customer experiences
Employee experiences
Stakeholder advocates
Customer feedback

What sources does GKOF use for assessment?

Stakeholder interviews

Social & web analytic

Social listening

Customer survey

Employee survey

Other researches if needed

Brand identity assessment

You are considering  to re-design your brand identity for fresher look and feel? for attracting more customers and for gaining more revenue? Let us help you with our professional service of assessing your current one then providing new brand identity design service for better performance 

We assess your brand by looking at its components from the view of stakeholders, customers , employee how they see and feel, including:

  • Logo 
  • Messages: tag-line, slogan
  • Marketing materials, sales kits
  • Internal alignment & implementation: brand guidelines, training

Then add on our expertises eyes for improvement suggestion. 



1. Brief session: to understand your business context, company history and service requests

2. Having your stakeholders fulfill the Brand identity questionnaire, and/or in-depth interview

3. GKOF will conduct additional researches and analyse results

4. Report and recommendation


We will collect and research info deeply about your brand identity to provide insights:

  • Does your current brand identity have full elements? What is missing, why? Should we fulfill?
  • Uniqueness vs competitors?
  • The name is memorable? Is the logo recognizable?
  • Message delivered brand value, proposition?
  • Is the message consistent with all communication channels, internal & external?
  • Impact of your brand identity to target customers?
  • What improvement is needed?

Brand strategy assessment

GKOF offers deeper evaluation on Business & Brand strategy, getting insights of Customers and Employee experience to provide a full picture of your brand performance, current status, strengths and weaknesses to generate stronger inputs for you brand growth strategy mid and long term


1. Brief session​​

Understand your business context, company history and service requests

2. In-depth interview

Conduct in-depth interview with senior leaders

3. Key lens analysis​

To understand the macro environment, consumers/customers/shopper insights, competitive landscapes, resource capabilities, geographic/distribution system, sales & marketing & service performance

4. Reporting

Organize a workshop with leadership team to share findings, recommendations discuss next steps


We would be able to answer these questions & provide SWOT analysis with recommendations for improvements.

Portfolio strategyHas the role of the brand changed within the portfolio strategy?
Reason to winIs the “reason to win” still valid?
Is it a clear valuable point of difference vs competition?
Customer/Consumer targetIs the definition of the target is still relevant?
Are they accessible (future capability?)
Competitive setIs the definition of competitive set still relevant?
Has the market changed?
Are the source of revenue still valid?
ResourcesDo you have current resources (financial, talents) or need to build resources to execute strategy?
ExecutionWhat are the barriers to market execution?
Do we have the right products, services, solutions with it benefits, price and values offerings to execute the strategy?
Is the route to market allowing for full execution of strategy?
Have we got appropriate shoppers, consumer, buyer strategies?
Macro environmentHas the economic, social or cultural environment challenged the relevance of the strategies?
System performanceWith what functions is the strategy working best?
With what function does this strategy work less well?
Geographies performanceIn what geographies does the strategy work best? (channel, region, areas, countries)
In what geographies does the strategy not working? (channel, region, areas, countries)

Digital marketing performance assessment

You have digital marketing platforms and want a thorough view of how it works? How your competitors are doing online? What should be improved to meet new requirements?
By looking and examining your social media platforms (Website, Facebook , YouTube, Instagram..), conduct Google analytic, we will share you an overview of your online performance according to profile, visual, content, interactions and social media presences (traffics, interactions, content, SEO performance) in comparing to competitors.


1. Brief session

Understand your business context, company history and service requests

2. In-depth research

GKOF will conduct social and web analytic, social listening researches

3. Reporting

Provide the findings & recommendations


  • Statistic of social channels and key performance indicators in comparison with competitors
  • What are the top 5 traffic sources
  • Which landing pages are performing the best?
  • Which web content is getting the most traffic?
  • Which social media content is getting the most engagement? which one drives most traffic to your website
  • Your and your competitor SEO performance


And provide our recommendations:

  • What should you do to improve social media performance?
  • What should you do to improve SEO performance?